Release Notes – Easy Modal – Version 2.0.11

Easy Modal

Version 2.0.11 brings some important bug fixes, improvements and sweeping changes to the EasyModal Licensing System. Plus, new Support Pricing.

v2.0.11 Bug Fixes and Improvements


  • Fixed a bug in the default theme causing it to appear broken.
  • Fixed bugs in missing options and defaults being applied.
  • Fixed issues with modals closing.
  • Fixed PHP backward compatability issues.
  • Table relationship fixes and API change.


  • Updates for new licensing system and API.
  • Added reset options.
  • Reorganized settings page.
  • WordPress Admin GUI Improvements.

Licensing System and Support Pricing Changes

Why We’re Changing

We’ve received tons of great feedback from our users that’s allowed us to make improvements across the board, especially to our licensing system, and how we package and sell EasyModal. However, considering our plans for EasyModal, it is clear that a change is needed to give both the customers more buying power and developers more flexibility. In the end, this will produce faster development cycles, better support, and more, happier customers.

For example, one of our biggest complaints over time has been that the Auto Open Feature/Add On was only obtainable in the old Pro Version (for $29.) While I believe this has a lot to do with the demand of said feature, it also demonstrates the lack of flexibility our packages and customers had when buying our products.

In the end, people just wouldn’t buy if they simply wanted that one feature, or they would buy and not feel they got their money’s worth – neither of which are good results in our book.

The other issue is the fact that our old Pro Version included around 10 Pro Only features, with still 15+ huge features planned. How can we release that many large features without bumping the price a very large amount? While the value is there because of so many awesome features, the entry cost will simply be out of the price range of many would-be customers.

The Solution

We’ve portioned out the entire plug-in. Every old Pro Feature is now an Add On, and you no longer buy a Developer’s License for the whole the plug-in, but each individual Add On itself. The Free version is the same.

Now, you aren’t forced into buy a full package when you don’t want it. Just want Unlimited Themes? Buy just that. Want only Auto Open – buy just that. There are deals to be had though! We’re happy to offer the Pro and Developer Bundles, which include 6 Add Ons at a discounted price.

Support Pricing Changes

Because the package that contained Priority Support no longer exists, Priority Support is now a separate entity on its own. Read more about Priority Support.

If you hold an old Pro Developer License, you will be granted a full year’s access to Priority Support.

Pre-2.0.11 Users

We Apologize in Advance

Unfortunately, if you’re upgrading from a previous version of EasyModal Pro or Pro Developer, you will be required to install additional plug ins (our new Add Ons,) We are sorry for this pain, please accept our apology. If you are having problems upgrading, please visit our Support Forums – there is a special topic for previously existing Pro and Pro Developer Users that gives step-by-step instructions on how to upgrade in no time.

There will be no affect on users who use the free version of EasyModal.

Thank You

Thank you for your support, we hope everyone enjoys this plug in and uses it to its’ full potential.