Unlimited Themes

Theme Your Popups using the EasyModal Unlimited Themes and create an infinite amount of themes!

Add On Synopsis

Market your valuable content with specially made popups, or create a special theme for a sale or promoting important information and differentiating content on your website. Create a different theme for every popup, every page, or every user! Theme your popups and assign each modal a theme in the modal editor, change themes with short the code attribute, and more.

Getting Started

When you're ready, check out this great Unlimited Themes Getting Started Guide and get themes for every Page/Post, Modal, or User rolling in minutes!

Product Preview Gallery

[gallery link="file" columns="4" ids="3130,3131"] Read More

Force User Action

Force users to act on your site by creating professional popups with the close button disabled.

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Restricting the ability for users to close popups can be beneficial since every website operates differently, and each have their own niches; sometimes websites need functionality to force users to act, fill out a form, confirm this, perhaps force log in, or do any number of actions. In practically every instance of this type of functionality, the system is cumbersome, out of place, and frustrating for the user. The bottom line is this: you require input from the user and you want it to be the most pleasurable experience possible. To solve this problem and stream line these type of processes, you can disable close button on popups using EasyModal, placing anything you need to get the job done in the popup itself.

Product Preview Gallery

[gallery columns="4" link="file" ids="3182,3183"] Read More

Auto Open

Deliver powerful and influential content to every user on your website, in just minutes.

Add On Synopsis

The absolute best way to put content in front of your users is to utilize Auto Open Popups. Traditionally, the trick has always been to implement it in such a way that it doesn't completely turn off users. Easy Modal Auto Open Addon gives you the tool set to do just that - build glorious auto open popups that engage your audience and lead to more sales for you. Use this and promote anything and everything you have to offer, from high profile blog posts to ad space. You can even use the Scrollable Content Feature in combination with Auto Open Modals to produce a pop up that delivers many pieces of content all at once.

Getting Started

When you're ready, check out our fantastic Auto Open Getting Started Guide and get those auto open popups on your website in minutes!

Product Preview Gallery

[gallery columns="4" link="file" ids="3202,3203"] Read More